Alcohol & Leaky GUT


Australians have a reputation for our excessive alcohol drinking. It's within our culture to have an outdoor lifestyle, BBQ's, laid back attitude, scorching sun.....with a bevvy in our hands.The negative impacts of alcohol consumption is evident. I'm not about to start educating you about the physical and mental effects of alcohol. You can do so here.I see many people within my practice that have a leaky gut. A thorough health history is taken with all of my clients; and all usual suspects of a leaky gut are marked off:

  • antibiotic use
  • prescription medication
  • post-infectious IBS
  • stress
  • operations
  • reproductive health
  • diet

But have you ever considered your alcohol intake?

Excessive alcohol intake (binge drinking), causes inflammation and creates gaps within our intestinal wall. Ethanol reduces good bacteria and increases unwanted endotoxins (bad bacteria). Alcohol is metabolised by the liver, and produces free radicals as a result. Which causes oxidative stress within our body.Increased inflammation travels to our brain, and increases depression, foggy thinking and 'sickness behaviour'.Alcohol impairs our nervous system and reduces nutrients such as zinc, Vit. D, folate and SAMe.Due to the intestinal permeability, conditions such as SIBO, Inflammatory Bowel Disease and some colon cancers can occur.

So what can you do to heal a leaky gut caused by over alcohol consumption?

Studies have that supplementing with the following have a positive impact in either inflammatory markers or intestinal permeability measures:

  • Zinc supplementation- 50mg per day after a meal
  • Vitamin D supplement
  • SAMe supplementation
  • Co-enzyme A supplementation
  • Fish oil (anti-inflammatory)
  • Vitamin C (anti-oxidant)
  • Magnesium
  • Glutamine


  • Lactobacillus LGG
  • Bifidobacterium Infantis
  • Bifidobacterium bifidum
  • Lactobacillus plantarum
  • Lactobacillus casei Shirota (yakult)


  • Oats at 10gm per 1kg body weight.

Ways to reduce alcohol intake.....

  • Stay within the 'drinking in moderation' guidelines
  • Abstinence of alcohol- replace alcohol with a healthy habit.
  • Swap to red wine. Studies have demonstrated that red wine contains polyphenols. Polyphenols are beneficial for gut bacteria.
  • Identify the triggers of alcohol consumption. Avoid or reduce the triggers could lead to less alcohol intake.

Useful Resources:

Website- Hello Sunday MorningWebsite- Sexy SobrietySupport- Alcoholics AnonymousSupport- Drink WiseREFERENCESBarve, Shirish et. al. 'Development, Prevention & Treatment of Alcohol Induced Organ Injury: The Role of Nutrition, Alcohol Research, Vol. 28, No. 2 pg. 289-302Bishehsari, Faraz. et. al , Alcohol and GUT derived Inflammation', Alcohol Research, Vol. 38. No. 2 pg. 163-171Engen, Phillip A. et. al. 'The Gastrointestinal Microbiome- Alcohol effects on the composition of Intestinal Microbiota', Alcohol Research, Vol. 37, No.2Leclercq, S. Timory, P de. Delzeme, NM. Starket, P. (2017) 'The Link between inflammation, bugs, the intestine and the brain in alcohol dependence', Translational Psychiatry   

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Why Short Chain Fatty Acids are the Key to Optimal Health


Short chain fatty acids (S.C.F.A's), sounds like something that you should be avoiding all together. But you couldn't be more further from the truth.[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22page%22%2C%22mechanism%22%3A%22main_list%22%2C%22extra_data%22%3A%22%5C%22[]%5C%22%22%7D]%2C%22has_source%22%3Atrue%7D

So what are SCFA's?

SCFA's are made in your colon. They are produced by your gut bacteria, when you consume carbohydrates and I'm not taking about refined carbs either- more on this later). SCFA's are a 6 carbon chain (hence the name short) and can either be of 3 metabolites- butyrate, propionate, acetate (there are a couple of others but they only make up 5% of total SCFA's).Butyrate can be used instantly by some cells in your colon; while the rest can transported to your liver and enter the rest of your system by your blood.

The benefits of SCFA's..............

Studies have shown that SCFA's reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, obesity (basically metabolic syndrome) and some colon cancers.Research has also shown that SCFA's are anti-inflammatory, and that people who had ulcerative colitis and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), had lower than normal levels of SCFA's.

How Do I Increase my SCFA's Levels?

SCFA's are influenced by diet. Yes, the food you eat. As I mentioned before; SCFA's are made by your bacteria when they digest certain carbohydrates. These carbohydrates are mostly found in vegetables, fruit, wholegrains and legumes.All these foods also have one thing in common, they contain high amounts of fibre.

What FIBRE????

Yes! Here's the might be currently following a low FODMAP, SIBO, or a High FAT/Low Carb diet. All of these diets dramatically reduce your intake of natural fibre. You can avoid this by really focusing on the vegetables you can eat, so this doesn't happen. This is why long term Low FODMAP diets aren't recommended for long periods.This can be the hardest part when you are healing your gut. Especially if you have IBS/SIBO and feel like you bloat even from water. This is because your gut lining is hyper-sensitive and you need to go extremely slowly when you are starting to re-introduce regular foods.Legumes are a fantastic source of fibre, but many people just can't tolerate them. So after you have done adequate healing of your gut (can be different for everyone). You can start with brown lentils, drain the can, and freeze them into ice cube trays. This way you are just introducing a tiny amount daily.There are many types of fibre, but some fibres in food are also called 'prebiotics'. This term is used a lot more these days. The way I like to explain it is that prebiotics are 'feeding' your gut bacteria, which will make them grow big and strong. This method is excellent when you have low numbers in a beneficial bacteria (all you need to do is eat the right foods to build them up again). The end result will be that you have built up your gut ecosystem naturally with foods.

Foods That Feed Your Gut Microbiome

Listed below is a snap shot of foods that feed your healthy gut bugs - these foods contain either inulin, fructo-oligosaccharides, galacto-oligosaccharides.Jerusalem artichoke, yacon tubers burdock roots, chicory roots, dandelion roots, garlic, onion, leeks, asparagus, globe artichoke.Legumes, Brassica-family, vegetables, fresh beans, rye sourdough, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, LSA mix.Polyphenols also feed your gut bugs. Polyphenol foods are:black elderberries, black currants, blueberries, cherries, strawberries, blackberries, plums, raspberries, apples, black grapesFlaxseed meal, chestnuts, hazelnuts, pecans, purple carrots, red carrots, purple potatoes, red cabbage, spinach, red onions, broccoli, carrots, red lettuceRed rice, black rice, red and white quinoa, whole grain, rye brad, olives and olive oil

How Do I Measure SCFA's?

This can be done only by stool testing. There are quite a few on the market that give you varying results. But you can easily find more about your SCFA's levels by completing a CDSA (Comprehensive Diagnostic Stool Analysis) or by a UBIOME test.If you would like to know more about SCFA's or specific stool tests; fill out the contact form below and I will get back to you.[contact_bank form_id="2" form_title="show" form_description="show"][/contact_bank]REFERENCESCheng et. al. (2017) Effects of Functional Oligosaccharides and ordinary dietary fibre on intestinal microbiota diversity, Frontiers in Microbiology, 1-11Edwards et. al. (2017) Polyphenols and Health- interactions between fibre, plant polyphenols and the gut microbiota, Nutrition Bulletin, 42, 356-360Ros-Covian et. al. (2016) Intestinal short chain fatty acids and their link with diet and human health, Frontiers in Microbiology, Vol.7, Article 185, pg.1-9Singh et. al. Influence of diet on the gut microbiome and implications for human health, (2017), Journal of Translational Medicine, 15:73, 1-17      

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How to improve your digestion naturally...


Digestion is such an integral component of optimum health, and you would be surprised at how many people I see in my clinic that have low digestive function.Decreased digestion can occur for a few reasons:

  • Medication (especially proton pump inhibitors)
  • Inflammation - due to an infection or auto immune condition
  • Auto immune disorder- Coeliac, Crohn's, Fibromyalgia, SLE, Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • Food intolerances- lactose, fructose, wheat/gluten intolerance (let's just call it carbohydrate intolerance)
  • Age- Decreased nutrient absorption can decrease when you get older
  • Low stomach acid
  • Pancreatic malfunction
  • Stress
  • Parasites
  • Gut dysbiosis- leaky gut, SIBO, IBS (you don't have enough of the bacteria that help you digest your food)

These causes can leave you feeling bloated and uncomfortable, but can also lead to nutrient deficiencies, brain fog, irregular bowel habits and lack of energy.Before we get stuck into what you can do to improve your digestion naturally. I would like to cover the basics of digestion, and what parts of the digestive system are needed for complete absorption.

The Digestive System Team

Mouth- The first portal of is chewed so you can make it smaller to swallow (duh!) and this process also helps your digestive system absorb it better.Your mouth has salivary glands which produce an enzyme called amylase. Amylase breaks down starch (a type of carbohydrate).


I always think of the stomach as a big mixing bowl. Food and liquid is churned and made smaller by waves produced within the stomach cells, and lipase is released to start digesting fats. The stomach is also the home of hydrochloric acid and pepsin. These along with other gastric juices help break down protein.


The pancreas has such an important role in the digestion process. Pancreatic enzymes digest fats, carbohydrates and protein (all 3 together are called pancreatic juice). Up to 1200-1500mL of pancreatic juice is released from your pancreas PER DAY! Your pancreatic juice is released into your small intestine.

Liver & Gallbladder

The liver has many jobs to do; but today we are talking about digestion. So I will keep it simple!The liver makes bile and the gallbladder stores the bile (and then releases it when needed). Bile is released to help breakdown fats and turns cholesterol into a soluble form.

Small Intestine

This is where all the action happens! Digestion AND absorption occur within the small intestine. The intestinal wall houses brush border enzymes, that help digest carbohydrates and proteins. Most of the enzymes mentioned earlier are released in the small intestine as well.The small intestine also house a small amount of gut microbes. These microbes assist with breaking down foods via fermentation and make much needed Short-Chain-Fatty-Acids (SCFA). 90% of absorption of nutrients occur in the small intestine; the other 10% occur in either the stomach or colon. Any unabsorbed foods left in the SI, pass onto the large intestine.

Large Intestine

The colon completes the rest of the food absorption and produces vitamin K and some B vitamins. The other key role of the colon is for defecation of your stool. Majority of your gut microbes live in your colon, and they help break down foods further and decompose bilirubin (which gives you the brown colour!)Obviously there is a lot more involved than this, but it does give you an overview of where enzymes and gastric secretions occur.

Natural Treatments 

I always suggest to use what you have at home first, or try and incorporate some natural digestive support to assist with digestion. Let's take a look at what's on offer.....

Chew Your Food

This one if FREE! I know I very often don't chew my food enough before I swallow. How often have you worked during your lunch break or picked at food while in the kitchen preparing the main meal for the day (and not actually sitting down and taking rest while doing so)??Not only are you helping your digestive system by making your food easier to digest, but you're also slllllooooowing down.......digestions slows down when you're on the go!Mindful eating has gained some attention in the last few years. This is where you take note (no, don't get your note pad out), and appreciate the food that you are eating by being aware of the smell, taste and texture. This process definitely slows you down and will ensure that you aren't rushing.

Meal Timing

This doesn't really effect your daily meal times. This is only a problem if you eat late at night and go to bed soon after.

What Can Increase Digestion?


Pineapple contains the phytochemical, bromelain. Pineapple contains natural enzymes, by supporting the pancreas. Studies have shown that bromelain has anti-cancer properties, reduces inflammation, and inhibits the growth of the gram negative bacteria E.coli (which can cause diarrhoea).Recent studies have demonstrated that bromelain can relieve dyspepsia symptoms such as stomach pain and flatulence.


There are SO MANY herbs that support your digestion. Here are just a few:

Many of these are available in a herbal tea form. Otherwise you can either find them in a capsule form or seek a naturopath that can make a herbal tincture up just for you!


As I mentioned earlier; bacterial microbes in your gut are needed to break down food in your small intestine and colon. If you have low levels of gut microbes, you can easily add probiotics to your diet. This could be as easy as introducing yoghurt to your diet or taking a probiotic supplement. Just remember not all probiotics will assist with your digestion. They need to be strain specific to match your condition.


Prebiotics feed your gut microbes (so they grow happy and strong!). Prebiotics are found in the form of fibre. So by eating more fibrous foods you will not only assist digestion, but you will also be feeding the gut bacteria that helps you BREAK DOWN food. Prebiotics not only help with digestion; they also create short chain fatty acids. Studies have shown that SCFA's help with obesity, diabetes and non alcoholic fatty liver disease. Prebiotics are found in:

  • Berries (strawberry, blueberry, raspberry)
  • Asparagus
  • Onion
  • Legumes
  • Flaxseeds
  • Almonds
  • Inulin

Reduce Stress Levels

Stress can work in a couple a can stimulate the sympathetic nervous system and slow down the digestive process, because you are in 'flight' mode of the stress response. Or stress can stimulate the release of bile, which then can feed gram negative bacteria in your gut and cause an imbalance (dysbiosis).Knowing your stress triggers is beneficial; but also adapting mindful eating, using your breath and making time for you are essential.Of course, sometimes it's not so black and white. To find out if you have adequate digestive enzymes and short chain fatty acids, you can have a stool test done. If you would like more information, contact me below.[contact_bank form_id="2" form_title="show" form_description="show"][/contact_bank]        

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